Greenphage was created in 2017 in Montpellier by Denis COSTECHAREYRE (PhD in Microbiology, bacteriophage specialist) and René BALLY (PhD in Microbiology, CNRS Research Director), based on their expertise acquired in several laboratories including the Microbial Ecology Laboratory of Lyon.

Greenphage offers ready-to-use antibacterial products and specific customized products and services, designed in its BSL1 and BSL2 laboratories.

Our team


Denis Costechareyre

Denis Costechareyre

CEO – PhD in Microbiology

18 years in R&D Microbiology project management
7 years of start-up management

Pascal Peny

Pascal Peny

CBO – Engineer in Microbiology & MSc Economics

18 years of business management & entrepreneurial support




Research Scientist – PhD in Microbiology

6 years of R&D project management
8 years of academic research

Nicolas TAVEAU

Nicolas TAVEAU

Research and production engineer – MSc in Microbiology

8 years of R&D project management

Hanane AMARI

Hanane AMARI

Laboratory Manager – Bachelor’s degree in Biology

9 years in biotech sector


René Bally

PhD in Microbiology – CNRS Research Director
former Director of Microbial Ecology Laboratory of Lyon
former Deputy Director of the Department of Life Sciences CNRS

Bernard Pau

PhD in Immunology – University Professor
President of Mabqi
former Director of the Department of Life Sciences CNRS

Jean-Yves Berthon

PhD in Biology

Founder & CEO of Greentech Group

Our partners

greentech biotechnologies
greencell biotechnologies
université montpellier
l'institut agro
institut de recherche pour le développement france
bpi france
la région occitanie
créalia occitanie
Montpellier Metropole-BIC
medvallée montpellier